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5 Ways to Use 'Satisfies' in TypeScript

Matt Pocock
Matt PocockMatt is a well-regarded TypeScript expert known for his ability to demystify complex TypeScript concepts.

The satisfies operator gives you a way to add type annotations to values without losing the inference of the value.

If you want to learn more, I've got a deep dive in this article.

But here, let's dive deep into some use cases.

Strongly typed URL Search Params with satisfies

satisfies is great for strongly typing functions that usually take a much looser type.

When you're working with URLSearchParams, it usually takes a Record<string, string> as its argument. This is a very loose type and doesn't enforce any particular keys.

But usually, you're creating some search params to pass them to a URL. So the loose type ends up being quite dangerous.

satisfies to the rescue. You can use it inline to strongly type the params object.

type GHIssueURLParams = {
  title: string;
  body: string;

const params = new URLSearchParams({
  title: "New Issue",
} satisfies GHIssueURLParams);
Type '{ title: string; }' does not satisfy the expected type 'GHIssueURLParams'. Property 'body' is missing in type '{ title: string; }' but required in type 'GHIssueURLParams'.1360
Type '{ title: string; }' does not satisfy the expected type 'GHIssueURLParams'. Property 'body' is missing in type '{ title: string; }' but required in type 'GHIssueURLParams'. const url = `${GITHUB_REPO}?${params}`;

Here, we're getting an error saying we've got a missing property body. This is great because it means we can't accidentally create a URL without a body.

Strongly typed POST request with satisfies

When making POST requests, it's important to send the correct data structure to the server. The server will expect a specific format for the request body, but the process of turning it into JSON with JSON.stringify removes any strong typings.

But with the satisfies operator, we can strongly type it.

type Post = {
  title: string;
  content: string;

fetch("/api/posts", {
  method: "POST",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    title: "New Post",
    content: "Lorem ipsum.",
  } satisfies Post),

Here, we can annotate the request body with the Post type, ensuring that the title and content properties are present and of the correct type.

Infer tuples without as const with satisfies

Often, you'll want to declare an array of elements in TypeScript, but have it inferred as a tuple, not an array.

Normally, you would use the as const assertion to infer a tuple type instead of an array type. However, with the satisfies operator, you can achieve the same result without using as const.

type MoreThanOneMember = [any, ...any[]];

const array = [1, 2, 3];
const array: number[]
const maybeExists = array[3];
const maybeExists: number | undefined
const tuple = [1, 2, 3] satisfies MoreThanOneMember;
const tuple: [number, number, number]
const doesNotExist = tuple[3];
Tuple type '[number, number, number]' of length '3' has no element at index '3'.2493
Tuple type '[number, number, number]' of length '3' has no element at index '3'.

In the code above, we're declaring an array two different ways. If we don't annotate it with satisfies, it gets inferred as number[]. This means when we try to access an element on it that doesn't exist, TypeScript doesn't give us an error; it just infers it as number | undefined.

However, when we declare tuple using the satisfies operator, it infers the type as a tuple with exactly three elements. Now, when we try to access the fourth element with tuple[3], TypeScript correctly gives us an error because the index is out of bounds.

Enforce an as const object to be a certain shape with satisfies

When using as const, we can specify that an object should be treated as an immutable value with literal types. However, this doesn't enforce any specific shape or properties for the object. To enforce a certain shape for an as const object, we can leverage the satisfies operator.

In the example below, we have a RouteObject type that represents a collection of routes. Each route has a url property of type string, and an optional searchParams property. We want to ensure that our routes object satisfies this RouteObject type.

type RouteObject = Record<
    url: string;
    searchParams: Record<string, string>;

const routes = {
  home: {
    url: "/",
    searchParams: {},
  about: {
Property 'searchParams' is missing in type '{ readonly url: "/about"; }' but required in type '{ url: string; searchParams: Record<string, string>; }'.2741
Property 'searchParams' is missing in type '{ readonly url: "/about"; }' but required in type '{ url: string; searchParams: Record<string, string>; }'. url: "/about", }, } as const satisfies RouteObject;

Not only does this give us great errors in the case of a missing property, but it also gives autocomplete for the routes object.

Enforce an as const array to be a certain shape with satisfies

Using satisfies, as const, and arrays together can be a little tricky.

Let's take an example where we have a navigation menu that consists of elements with a title, an optional URL, and an optional array of nested navigation elements under the children property.

type NavElement = {
  title: string;
  url?: string;
  children?: readonly NavElement[];

const nav = [
    title: "Home",
    url: "/",
    title: "About",
    children: [
        title: "Team",
        url: "/about/team",
] as const satisfies readonly NavElement[];

Now, if we try to access a property that is not part of the defined shape, TypeScript will give us an error.

Property 'children' does not exist on type '{ readonly title: "Home"; readonly url: "/"; }'.2339
Property 'children' does not exist on type '{ readonly title: "Home"; readonly url: "/"; }'.

readonly arrays with satisfies

It's important to note the use of readonly on the arrays. Without the one on children, TypeScript errors:

type NavElement = {
  title: string;
  url?: string;
  children?: NavElement[];

const nav = [
    title: "About",
    children: [],
] as const satisfies readonly NavElement[];

This is because NavElement[] is mutable, so it needs to be marked with readonly to match up with as const.

The same is true if we miss off the final readonly:

type NavElement = {
  title: string;
  url?: string;
  children?: readonly NavElement[];

const nav = [
    title: "About",
    children: [],
] as const satisfies NavElement[];

This is because our outer type, NavElement[], is mutable and so not assignable to the readonly as const declaration.

Matt's signature

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