Know when to use generics
it's sometimes hard to work out if you should use a generic or if you shouldn't.
The first question I want you to ask yourself when you get to that point is are all the elements known when I make the function? Here in this getDisplayName
function we take in an Animal
and we return a displayName
based on the animal's name.
interface Animal {
name: string
interface Human {
firstName: string
lastName: string
export const getDisplayName = (item: Animal): { displayName: string } => {
return {
But what if we add a bit of dynamism here? Let's make it take in either an Animal
or a Human
export const getDisplayName = (
item: Animal | Human
): { displayName: string } => {
return {
But really, we still know all the elements and their types before we get into the function call. So what you'd probably do is this:
export const getDisplayName = (
item: Animal | Human
): { displayName: string } => {
if ("name" in item) {
return {
And we'd do the same thing for the Human
and lastName
and concatenate them together.
When you start needing a generic is when you truly don't know what type is going to be passed into the function or you have things inside the function that rely on knowing that type
Let's imagine that we do need to add a generic here in getDisplayName
. We'll use TItem
and extend Animal
or Human
export const getDisplayName = <TItem extends Animal | Human>(
Then in the return type we'll say TItem
extends Human
and returns a humanName
. Otherwise, we'll return an animalName
. And then inside the function body we'll return the animalName
export const getDisplayName = <TItem extends Animal | Human>(
item: Animal | Human
): TItem extends Human ? { humanName: string } : { animal: string } => {
if ("name" in item) {
return {
What that means is we get a different return type based on what we pass in. So when we pass in a name
we get an animalName
, and when we pass in a firtName
and lastName
we get a humanName
This is where you actually need a generic. Inside the function it has to decide what it returns. If we just did a union type, it wouldn't repsond to what gets passed in.
So this is a way to really hack TypeScript's inference and get that information so you can use it in your return types.
0:00 It's sometimes hard to work out if you should use a generic or if you shouldn't. The first question I want you to ask yourself when you get to that point is are all of the elements known when I make the function? Here, in this get_display_name function, we take in an animal, and we return a display name based on the animal's name.
0:20 What if, woo, we add a bit of dynamism here. This looks like it's dynamic now, because it can either take in an animal, or it can take in a human, but really, we still know all the elements and all of their types before we get into the function call.
0:35 Here, what you probably do is, if name in or if just item, in fact, then return display name,, and you do the same thing for human, first name, last name, concatenate them together. When you start needing a generic is when you truly don't know what the type is going to be passed into the function, or you have things inside the function that rely on knowing that type.
1:03 Let's imagine that we do need to add a generic here, so we're going to say T item. T item is going to extend either animal or human. In here, what we're going to do is we're going to reference this here, and we're going to see T item extends human.
1:18 Then we're going to return a human name string. Other than that, we're going to return the animal name string. This is where things start getting complicated, because inside here, we now need to return the animal name, which is going to be
1:37 What that means, then, is we get a different return type based on what we pass in. Here, we're passing in an animal, and so we get animal name. Here, we're passing in a human name, and so we get a human name. This is where it truly starts.
1:51 You need to use a generic, basically, because inside the function, it has to decide what it returns. If we were to just return this as a union type, like either human name or animal name, then it wouldn't respond to what gets passed in. This is a way to really just hack TypeScript's inference and get that information so you can use it in your return types.
It can be hard to know when to reach for generics. Ask yourself:
Are there ZERO dynamic elements in your function? No generics needed.
If you have dynamic elements, do you know all their shapes up front? You might just need a union type.
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